How to set network to private

This guide explains how to set your network to private, which is required for Zonos to find the Sonos devices.

Wireless networks (Wi-Fi)

  1. Click on the wifi icon in the right-bottom (near the time & notification center)
  2. Select the currently connected network and click Properties
  3. Enable Make this PC discoverable
  4. You can verify that the network is now set to private by right-clicking on the wifi icon (see step 1) -> Open Network and Sharing center as shown in the image below:

Wired networks

  1. Left-lick on the network icon in the right-bottom (near the time & notification center):
  2. Select the currently connected network from the list:
  3. In the settings window, click the connected network again
  4. Make sure to set the network profile to Private as shown in the image below: